domingo, 30 de setembro de 2012

I'm back with another quick tip today that can help to enhance your fat loss efforts...

I recently came across this study published in 2006 in the Journal of Medicinal Food, titled "The effects of grapefruit on weight and insulin resistance"... the study measured results after 12 weeks of 91 obese patients broken down into a placebo group, a group that received a half of a fresh grapefruit before each meal (3x a day), a group that received an 8 oz glass of grapefruit juice before each meal, and a group that received a grapefruit capsule before each meal.

The results were interesting...

It turned out that grapefruit before a meal DID in fact increase fat loss, with the fresh grapefruit group losing the most weight, although even the grapefruit juice group and the grapefruit capsule group lost more than the placebo group.

The study concluded, "There was also a significant reduction in 2-hour post-glucose insulin level in the grapefruit group compared with placebo. Half of a fresh grapefruit eaten before meals was associated with significant weight loss. Insulin resistance was improved with fresh grapefruit."

It's interesting to note that the fresh grapefruit improved insulin sensitivity, thereby helping to control insulin and blood sugar levels, despite the carbohydrates contained in the grapefruit.  This is similar to the results I showed you in this article where pre-meal lemon juice was also shown to control the blood sugar response from a meal...yet another example of a citrus fruit improving insulin sensitivity.

I would also venture a guess that this result might also be seen in fresh squeezed lime juice, but I have not seen any studies on this as of yet.
"The most important actions are never comfortable."

"'Someday' is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you."

"Many a false step was made by standing still."

"Tomorrow becomes never. No matter how small the task, take the first step now!" 

"What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do." 

Cool program -- we need more of this

Cool program -- we need more of this:

Intouchables - Driss présente " Boogie Wonderland " - Maxi-Qualité

legourmettv enviou Lemon Chicken Skillet Recipe.

legourmettv enviou Lemon Chicken Skillet Recipe.

Looking for a one pan meal idea? Hate to clean up? Here it is - dinner is cooked all in one frypan!

Lemon Chicken skillet

4 bone-in chicken thighs
1/2 tsp each salt and pepper
2 tbsp canola oil
2 cups pearl onions
3 cloves garlic, minced
3/4 tsp thyme
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
¾ cup chicken broth,
3/4 cup white wine
1 lemon, zested and juiced
1 tbsp capers
12 baby potatoes, halved
1 lb asparagus

Season chicken with salt and pepper. 
In a large deep skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. 
Add chicken and cook, turning once, until golden brown, about 10 min. 
Transfer chicken to a plate and set aside.
Reduce heat to medium and add onion, garlic and thyme and cook, 
stirring often, until softened and aromatic, about 5 min. 
Sprinkle with flour and cook, stirring, 1 min. 
Stir in chicken broth, water, lemon zest, lemon juice and capers 
and bring to a boil, scraping up any brown bits from bottom of pan. 
Add potatoes, cover, reduce heat to medium-low and cook, about 10 min.
Add chi...

domingo, 23 de setembro de 2012

The Ultimate Pole Dancing Fails Compilation

Your Health in One Drop of Blood

Cool infographic - "Your Health in One Drop of Blood":

StumbleUpon reinvents the stumble in stunning new app for iPhone

VentureBeat - "StumbleUpon reinvents the stumble in stunning new app for iPhone, iPad": agree. Love it. (Disclosure: I advise.)

Ipod_paul weller - my ever changing moods (live)

segunda-feira, 17 de setembro de 2012

How Bestseller Lists Work…and Introducing the Amazon Monthly 100

This will be a short post, but it’s one I’ve wanted to write for a long time. Special thanks to my book agent, Steve Hanselman, for help.
Having had two bestsellers (and preparing to launch what I hope will be a third), I’m constantly asked about how bestseller lists work.  It can be a very complicated subject, but I’ll provide a summary of the major lists below, with the bonus of a brand-new list you’ve never seen: The Amazon Monthly 100.

The New York Times

At the top of the heap of all the lists, of course, are the publishing industry standards: The New York Times Bestseller lists. Yes, “lists.” There are a lot of NYT lists: in fact, now 20 weekly and 3 monthly lists. Check them out hereThe 4-Hour Workweek is stillappearing here at #10 this weekend, more than five years after publication! It’s been a wild ride.
The New York Times list is what they call a “survey,” based on a proprietary and closely-guarded list of accounts they poll weekly for sales. It’s tabulated Sunday to Sunday, which is why I prefer to launch on Tuesdays instead of Thursdays, two common options for publishers (nope, you can’t just launch at retail whenever you like)…
The Times uses a methodology for filtering these reported sales that excludes books which are reported too narrowly.  For example, if only a few accounts are reporting significant numbers, and most are not reporting any, they will automatically exclude this title.  Ditto if a lot of bulk sales (high-volume sales to one customer) are reported without the balance of a broad reporting profile. You may have noticed the “dagger” next to titles on their lists–that means bulk sales have been reported, but a lot of “normal” sales too, so the title makes it.  Often titles that do well across the board are not even tracked on the list. Note to authors: it is the publisher’s job to make sure NYT have a copy of the book and are tracking it.  Independent bookstores are known to be central to success on the Times’ lists, so if they turn their nose up at your book, you are toast, alas.
Nonfiction books that deal with advice, how-to, political and a host of other prescriptive and practical matters (including some religion) are treated by the Times separately from all other non-fiction. They are given the shortest of all the lists, the 10-slot weekly “Advice/How-To” list, sometimes referred to as the “Mt. Everest of lists.” To make matters more confusing, the Times refuses to track eBook sales for all this “lesser” non-fiction!  This all means that many worthy and popular titles fail to make the shorter Advice/How-to list and are then doubly damned by being ignored on the NYT eBook lists… even if they had enough sales to make both lists in the broader “Nonfiction” category. I’ve seen authors petition for reclassification precisely for this reason. It can make the difference between “New York Times bestseller” on the cover and resume, or not.

The Wall Street Journal and USA Today

All of these vagaries don’t apply to the other major lists, like the Wall Street Journal list, which is based strictly on Nielsen Bookscan reporting (estimated to be about 75-80% of the actual market on most general trade titles) and includes eBooks, without filtering out types of non-fiction. This is sometimes referred to as a “compiled” list.  Bookscan will remove books from its reporting that are selling in bulk in only a few outlets, so they keep the lists true in that way.  
Some say the truest of all the lists, which tracks all formats of a single title rolled up into one number that is then ranked against all other types of books (fiction, nonfiction, children’s), is the USA Today list. Unlike the Times, everything fights against everything else, like the old UFC with no weight classes. Like the Times, it’s a survey based on a list of polled outlets, but there is no attempt to separate or filter categories or types of books (e.g. advice/how-to).

Now, The Amazon Monthly 100

If you’ve ever wondered like me what a pure listing of all new hardcovers would look like, regardless of subject matter, the below list provided to me by Amazon — which I’ll call the “Amazon Monthly 100″ — is probably the closest you’ll ever get.  
I could see some variation of this list becoming the new standard in bestseller lists.
The normal Amazon top 100 is usually calculated on an hourly basis. The below list of the top 100 hardcovers was calculated over a MONTH (July). Making it a month is important, as this duration removes all one-week wonders and most pay-for-play (buying your own books to hit the list).
If you read through these top 100 for July, you’ll see many books that never made the other lists.  
Can you spot them? Would you like to see a list like this every month, or something like it? Let me know and I’ll try and deliver!

The Random Show – Episode 18 – Start-ups, Restaurants, Marriage, and…Sexual Performance?


No Comments

In this long overdue episode, join me and Kevin Rose as we catch up on topics ranging from start-ups and new projects to relationships and sexual enhancement through chemical cocktails. Thanks to Glenn for his usual Jedi videography.

Notes, Links, and Resources

The 4-Hour Chef – The new book. It’s going to be NUTS.
CLEAR card for skipping security lines — Use code “RANDOM29″ at this link to get 67% off — $29 for the first 6 months.
DuoLingo – Language learning.
Rally – Crowdfunding and cause marketing.
Lift – Elegant app for changing/improving behaviors (Plus: The WaterPik).
Vittana – Imagine for education.
Central Kitchen – My first restaurant investment (SF-based).
BufferBox – (Update: I ultimately did not end up investing) Distributed pick-up points.
The Graveyard Book – My new favorite audiobook, performed by Neil Gaiman.
Trust Me, I’m Lying – Ryan Holiday’s guide to digital media and related cat-and-mouse games.
For previous episodes of The Random Show, click here.
Last but not least, The Random Show is now on iTunes! If you simply want audio-only, or if you’d like to watch the episodes on your iPhone or iPad, here you go:

Sleep Like a Baby

Problems sleeping can be a major drag on happiness — if you can’t sleep well, you can’t function as well during the day.

Today a reader asked, “I want to spend less time rolling in the bed, and more time sleeping. I wanna be a baby again. Help!”

I love the image of being a baby again — in my head, it conjures up not only sleeping peacefully (though in reality many babies don’t), but growing magically young again, care-free, without the worries that normally plague us and keep us up at night.

I don’t have the magical pill that will make you young again, but I can offer some help with sleep. I’ve changed my sleeping patterns a number of times, and know that it can be difficult. Sleep is a deep part of the body’s rhythms, and it’s one of the harder habits to change. That said, it’s changeable.

Sleep Problems
Let’s take a quick look at some of the problems that keep people rolling around in bed (not in the good way, pervert):
  • Not tired yet — your sleeping pattern is set so that you usually sleep later, so if you go to bed earlier, you’re not tired enough to fall asleep.
  • Too tired — it’s possible to be so exhausted that sleep is difficult. This tends to be a problem less often than “not tired enough” though.
  • Worries — you’ve got something spinning around in your head, so the sleep doesn’t come. Sometimes it’s replaying something that’s happened, or things that someone said, and other times it’s worrying about something coming up, or planning.
  • Computers — if you’re on your computer (often in bed), you might be tired but have a hard time sleeping because your mind isn’t unwinding.
There are other issues, but I’ve found these to be the most common. Let’s look at how to help with them.

Formula for Becoming a Baby
So how do we solve the problems above and become baby-like in our sleep? I don’t have all the answers, but here are some of the things that have worked for me:
  1. Exercise. A good hard workout or run, bike or swim will get you nice and tired. A good yoga workout is a wonderful way to do that, as you learn mindfulness at the same time. Even if the workout is early in the day, I often go to bed with a tired body, and look forward to the rest. Don’t workout right before bed though.
  2. Get up early. You can get your body to shift its sleeping schedule by slowly getting up earlier. Try 15 minutes earlier than normal for a week, then another 15 minutes. If you get up earlier, you’ll be a bit tired during the day, and when it comes time to go to sleep, you’ll enjoy the rest.
  3. Establish a bedtime ritual. It takes time to unwind the body and mind. At least an hour before bedtime, start slowing down. Turn off the computer. Floss & brush your teeth. Put away things you were using in the evening. Lay down and read a book (not on your laptop). This kind of ritual helps establish in your mind that it’s time to sleep, and your body takes this cue and begins to prepare itself.
  4. Keep your room only for sleeping. Don’t eat, watch TV, use your computer, or do other kinds of activities in your room (OK, perv, just one other activity is OK). Keep those activities in the living and dining rooms, so that when you go to bed, there’s just one thing to do. Be sure to make the room dark when you go to sleep too — your body reacts to light.
  5. Focus your attention. Once you’ve done your bedtime ritual and unwound, and your body is nice and tired, you need to quiet the mind. My trick for doing that: close your eyes, and visualize what you did first thing today. That might be opening your eyes and getting out of bed. Then visualize the second thing you did — let’s say you peed and washed your face, or drank a glass of water. Then you started the coffee but first had to grind the beans. Visualize these tiny steps in detail. I never get past the first hour before I’m asleep.
  6. Change slowly. Be patient with sleeping changes — they are difficult, because when we are tired, our mind doesn’t have the discipline to stick to changes. Our body and mind want to do what they’re used to doing. But if you change a little at a time, and forgive yourself for “messing up” (there’s no messing up, actually), then you can make changes.
I hope this helps. I will admit that I don’t always sleep soundly — sometimes I have trouble sleeping, but when I use these methods, I can usually cure the sleeping problems.
Sleep is a blessing that I wish on all my friends, all of you included. It’s a much-needed rest that helps us to be truly awake once the glorious new day has come.

sábado, 15 de setembro de 2012

Ipod_Pressure_Nicki Minaj - Starships (Explicit)
‎"When we face tough problems, we stay mired in the mud until we take action. Hope is a start. But hope needs action to win victories." - David Schwartz, The Magic of Thinking BIG

sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2012

Mike Tyson Training HL.avi

Ipod_Lounge Beats by Paulo Arruda | Deep & Jazz | HQ

Ipod_Iyeoka - Simply Falling (Official Video)

Ipod_Deep House

The latest episode (in full!) of On The Table

The latest episode (in full!) of On The Table with guest Stanley Tucci. I really like this one. Had a great day (:

Ipod_Pressure_Preparing to GO OUT


Happiness of the Garden | Hong Kong Food Tour

The Chef at the Light Vegetarian Restaurant in Kowloon Hong Kong, takes us into the kitchen to cook up his favourite dish: Happiness of the Garden. Hong Kong Food Tour.

Getting Heated in the Kitchen with Mario Batali and Eric Ripert - Full Episode 2


Music video by Mayer Hawthorne performing Henny & Gingerale. (C) 2012 

quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2012

How I Lost 100 lbs Without Surgery or Exercise