sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011

3 Steps to Prepare an Effective Presentation

Management Tip of the Day

Delivering a successful presentation requires careful preparation. Next time you're getting ready to present, follow these three steps.
  • Create a clear narrative. Don't start by creating slides. First get your story down, and design slides or collect data to illustrate that compelling narrative.
  • Do a dry run. Read through the slides aloud. Do it seated in front of your computer screen so that you don't have to think about your body language.
  • Rehearse without slides. Finally, do a run-through while standing in a vacant conference room without your slides. This will allow you to concentrate on the story, as well as your eye contact, gestures, posture, and voice.

Here's how you can use the deconstruction/reconstruction process to develop your presentation:
• First, create a clear and logical narrative.
• Then design slides to illustrate your narrative.
• Combine your story and slides in a verbal run-through of your presentation, but do it seated in front of your computer screen so that you don't have to think about your eye contact, gestures, posture, or voice.
• Do another run-through standing up in a vacant conference room, presenting to the empty chairs as if they were filled with audience members. This time, focus on your eye contact, gestures, posture, and voice.
• Do a dress rehearsal to colleagues or friends, integrating all the components.
• Dive into the water and swim like a fish.

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