sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

Online Marketing

  • AWeber – leading provider for mailing/customer list management, promotional marketing, and autoresponder newsletter campaigns.
  • Market Samurai – the most effective software available for doing in-depth SEO keyword research, market research and niche discovery.
  • Su.pr – install the bookmarklet in your browser toolbar, submit your links and they’ll be automatically sent to Twitter, Facebook & StumbleUpon! StumbleUpon also has a great CPC advertising program.
  • LinkedIn Answers – LinkedIn is the best professional online network, and Answers is the best place to brand yourself, share your expertise with others, and even solicit feedback on yourown questions from experienced CEOs and other professionals.
  • Fiverr.com – this is a new site for me, but it’s already been helpful for online promotions. It’s a marketplace where people will do a wide range of actions for you for just $5 USD, including many social media promotions activities.

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