sexta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2012

How to Get 30 Grams of Protein Within 30 Minutes of Waking Up

The 30/30 Rule for Accelerated Fat Loss
Directions: Consume 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up!  Do not make any changes to your diet or exercise!
How to get 30 Grams of Protein in 10 minutes or less!

Some “Real” Food Options:

  1. Liquid Egg Whites have roughly 26 grams of protein per cup.  Microwave (or cook) for 2.5 minutes in a Pyrex dish. Then microwave 150 grams of frozen spinach for 5 minutes to get another 6 grams of protein. Then add your favorite salsa. This makes for 32 grams of protein in less than 10 minutes.
  2. Canned Tuna + 1 or 2 eggs (or egg whites): Chuck it all in a pan with some mushrooms, cayenne pepper and Italian herbs and put it in the oven till it’s done.
  3. 3/4 cup of your favorite beans (8 grams protein) + White or Red Onions (chopped) + 3 eggs (18 grams protein) or liquid egg whites and salsa or Cholula

The Quick Fix (less than 3 minutes)

  1. One Scoop Whey Protein Concentrate in milk (not slow carb) or in water. Add a handful of raw almonds if you like.
  2. One protein bar of choice or build your own.
  3. Ice + Coffee + Whey Protein Concentrate + ½ scoop egg protein powder (staying powder) + cinnamon (this video is even more complex) mixed in blender.
  4. Ready-made protein shakes. Pure protein or Myoplex are decent options (among many others).
  5. Ready-made zero carb 40 gram  protein drink. (light and not filling) 
30/30 Rule Quick Fix Protein Ideas
Quick Link to Products on Amazon (or click on the picture)
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Protein Composition of Common Foods (To find a foods nutritional composition consult myfitnesspal

Post image for Tim’s Fat Loss MED and The 30/30 Rule: Three Steps to Slow Carb Success When I first read the 4 hour body I casually overlooked Tim’s recommendation for accelerated fat loss which he now defines as the “Fat Loss MED”:

“Fat loss MED = consume 30 g of protein within 30 minutes of waking up. Dozens of readers have lost 100 + lbs each; thousands more have lost 10– 100 lbs.”

I have listened to many of the recent media appearances of Tim promoting the 4 Hour Chef and this seems to be his new tag line.  It fits with the idea of true behavioral change: Start with the least amount of change and you will have better compliance.
For  last year and a half I have been providing my patients with the  5 rules of the slow-carb diet. I have had some great successes but overall I would say it is in line with the 80/20 rule. Meaning 20 percent of my patients really roll with it and have excellent results, the other 80 percent I am afraid do not.
So I decided that I would simplify this  and see if I could make an 80/20 flip… My goal is to have 80 percent patient compliance by 2013.

Testing the claim – 3 Steps to Slow Carb Success

So this week I decided to test Tim’s claim and throw away the 5 rules of the slow carb diet as my first step in favor of the new fat loss MED.
Every patient that needs (and wants) to begin a weight loss (or insulin crushing) regimen is receiving one simple recommendation:
Take 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up. That is it. Don’t worry about any other part of your day, diet or routine. 30/30 and you will lose weight “I guarantee it!”

Step 1

I have created this patient handout/cheat sheet:

Step 2

The goal is to focus on the 30/30 rule  for 30-90 days (going case by case) and then begin to implement the five rules. I will give this out at the next visit only after they have successfully initiated the 30/30 rule.

Step 3

And then later provide a more comprehensive food matrix:

The Whole 30/30

Surprise, people love this idea!  After just one week of testing my theory I have been amazed by the initial enthusiasm:  ”What that is all I have to do” Yep, I say, eat more protein and lose more weight. It is as simple as that!
I will start using my cheat sheet this next week. The holiday’s tend to be a great time to begin a weight loss/slow carb regimen. I like to tap into people’s motivation and get them thinking early about the new year.
I will present my results in a couple of months and let you know how people have done. If you are just starting I recommend giving this above progression a try. Like anything in life start low and go slow for the best results!
If you haven’t already make sure to check out The Ultimate 4-Hour Body Resource for an easy to follow protocol guide! Or more cheat sheets!

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