sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2013

Featured Recommendation: The must-have video player for Internet Marketers and mediapreneurs:

LeadPlayer is one of the most impressive pieces of easy-to-use software that I’ve come across over the past several years. Basically it “pimps” your YouTube videos on your site.   You can add in opt-in boxes (!), calls to action (!) AND even change out your opt-in boxes and calls to action in all of your videos in a jiffy. Seriously, fantastical. Check out my review right here (and there is an affiliate link below the review).

To Shoot Side-By-Side Videos Online Easily

Ecamm Call Recorder: This is a super simple way to record Skype Video Calls on a Mac. This is the amazingly simple software I use to record interviews on Skype. It is literally one button and you are off to the races, plus some cool bonuses that come with it allowing you to change your file into multiple formats such as MP3. Best part is it is designed to be ridiculously simple so you don’t need certification from NASA to figure it out. Check it out right here.
VodBurner: This is the best option for PCs. I don’t have a PC personally, but I’ve asked around to everyone I know who uses a PC and they love VodBurner. What’s also cool about it is you can edit within the platform if you want to. Cool. Check it out right here.
GoToMeeting: In terms of video quality, I’ve noticed nothing better than GoToMeeting to shoot interviews because it now comes with HD Faces. You can record on a Mac by using GoToMeeting and ScreenFlow and I believe on PC you can record right from GoToMeeting or use Camtasia. Best part is your interviewee doesn’t need an account. They just click the link, accept a couple of things and boom! Check it out right here and click the “Try It Free” button and enter the promo code RISE for 45 days free. Whoop!

Blogging, Video & Web Tools

LeadPlayer: An amazing plugin that basically pimps YouTube when you embed videos on your site. You can create opt-in boxes, change opt-in boxes in ALL your videos, and keep traffic on your site as opposed to kicking it back to YouTube. Seriously one of the most amazing tools I’ve seen in a long time. Check out more about it right here.
ScreenFlow: For Mac, there is no simpler way to turn your screen into videos. I use Screenflow for so many things it is ridiculous, including shooting ads and sponsor plugs for the show, shooting the intro and conclusion and even editing The Rise To The Top (so much easier than iMovie, even though iMovie is really easy, which is saying a lot). Check it out right here.
Wistia: Best place to host your videos and a very sexy player you can use on your site. I use Wistia to host The Rise To The Top videos. It’s just so darn simple. You don’t need to be a tech genius to get your videos uploaded and shared and you don’t have to be a math professor to figure out if your videos are being watched (and are effective). They have great analytics, simple sharing and a really neat player that you can customize without a tech degree (yes, I said neat). Check it out here.
GoToMyPC: All about the virtual lifestyle. Never be tethered to just your computer. I use it to access everything on my computer from my iPad and iPhone as well as any other random computer I might be in front of. SWEET. Check it out right here and click the “Try It Free” button and enter the promo code RISE for 45 days free. Whoop!

Internet Marketing, Web & Digital Product Tools

WishList Member: This is an awesome backend system/plugin for WordPress for delivering your content to people who pay for it. If you are creating membership sites, digital products, etc. you can’t beat it and I’m using it myself for Create Awesome Interviews. More often than not, guests of the show use WishList (examples: Brian Moran, Sean Malarkey etc.). Check it out right here.
WishList Insider: Want to learn how to dominate membership sites and network with other successful membership site owners? Learn everything from getting people in, creating great content and (possibly most important) keeping people in. Check it out right here.
Stealth Seminar: It is no secret that right now one of the hottest ways to educate, entertain and convert folks to buyers is through webinars. For example, in a recent interview on the show Lewis Howes revealed that the most successful way they promoted their latest product launch was webinars, which converted into over $500,000 in sales in one month. One tool he uses and so do other top dogs is Stealth Seminar, which allows you to create one webinar and play it over, and over, and over again to keep those sales rolling in. Check it out right here.
AWeber: I use AWeber for my email lists because I love how easy you can segment lists and send out “personal” looking emails. Check it out right here.
OptimizePress: When launching my digital product Create Awesome Interviews, I asked all the top Internet marketers about what I should use to create the sales page and squeeze pages and all that jazz. Every single one recommended OptimizePress for its ease of use, easy templates and numerous other badass features. Simple wins. Check it out right here.

Online Training Programs & Courses That Rock

iVideo Hero: Ready to learn how you can shoot amazing videos with your iPhone? Jules Watkins, who is a long time video master (worked on Biggest Loser, Pimp My Ride, etc.), teaches you in this course some really cool tricks on how to create amazing high-quality videos with our iPhones. From video blogging to sales videos, these tips can be put to use in all kinds of ways to help your biz. Check it out right here.
6-Figure Outsourcing Secrets: Fun Fact: A major skill set that top 6 and 7 figure earners online develop is the ability to outsource the stuff you either 1. Don’t want to do and/or 2. Don’t have the skill set to do. In this course, master outsourcer and Internet Entrepreneur James Wedmore teaches you step-by-step how to dominate outsourcing. Check it out right here.
FB Ad Queen: How do you use Facebook Ads to get noticed, drive traffic and build your list? Fantastic question. Thanks for asking. Help is here my friend in the form of “The FB Ad Queen” Victoria Gibson, who shows us exactly how to get started, pitfalls to avoid and everything else step-by-step in this course. Check it out right here.
FBinfluence: Created by the trusted trio Amy Porterfield, Lewis Howes and Sean Malarkey, the program is awesome for learning how to get fans to your page and like you up, keep those fans engaged and interested, and turn those fans into super fans who buy everything. Really easy video training (also audio and PDF format). Check it out right here.
Power of Pinning: Pinterest. Unless you are living under a rock, you have probably heard about it. But, is it all about planning your wedding or can we actually use it for some business? In this course Melanie Duncan teaches you all kinds of amazing ways to use Pinterest for biz – including gaining massive exposure, driving tons of traffic, boosting your SEO, making money, and much more. Check it out right here.
Video Traffic Academy: What is your YouTube strategy? Creator James Wedmore didn’t think he needed one for his business teaching bartenders how to maximize their revenue…until he cracked the YouTube code and realized how ridiculously valuable YouTube is not just as a video platform, but a lead generating machine and now he is teaching peeps like you and I to do the same. Check it out right here.

Fitness & Nutrition

Because hey, you should be into that too!
Jet Set Body: This is the fitness program I used which got me into insanely good shape in 90 days. The folks behind it, Rob and Kim Murgatroyd, have been on the show multiple times and just rock at teaching. If you want to work hard and get genuine results, you’ve gotta do this. There is a step-by-step program for men, women and a special deal for couples. Check it out.
Holy Sh*t: Delicious Recipes To Keep You Fit: Best. Cookbook. Ever. Created by former guest and fitness model Kim Murgatroyd. This is opposite of healthy cookbooks that aren’t that healthy or taste like garbage. I keep a PDF of it on my iPhone, which is super helpful (and mobile). Yum. Check it out here.
Protein Shakes & Snacks: Also by Kim Murgatroyd. It is like a party in your mouth. I keep it on iPhone so it goes with me everywhere. Try the “butterfinger”, trust me. It will change your world. I want to go make one right now. Check it out right here.


Jeff Michelman: The best lawyer for entrepreneurs, small business and mediapreneurs. I’ve known Jeff for years (he is my attorney) and he is not only trustworthy and filled with expertise/knowledge, but he understands the entrepreneur because he is also one himself. Trust me, some lawyers are scary, and Jeff is not. He is one of the good guys. You can email him or (314) 889-7182 (and mention I sent you and you will get a free consultation…I know a TON of viewers have jumped on this opportunity).

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