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How can you beat stiff competition in a saturated market?The truth is everybody wants “easy” search engine traffic. The competition online seems infinite, with millions of websites in the results for almost anything you search for. How can you beat EVERYBODY?
By Knowing What People Will Search For In Advance
No, you don’t have be a clairvoyant mind reader to know what people will search for in Google or Yahoo before they do. All you have to do is study Google Zeitgeist.WTF is a Zeitgeist?
- Who was the most talked about celebrity of the year?
- What was the hottest consumer electronic device?
- What was the most popular airline for travelers?
Here’s a quick presentation of Google Zeitgeist…
Yeah, But How Do You Do It?
I knew you would ask. Let’s say for example you have a blog that thankfully isn’t another blog about blogging, its about electronic gadgets.Not like there’s a shortage of gadget sites.
- You recently monetized your blog so now you’re making some money.
- You’ve realized it’s just a numbers game, the more targeted visitors you get the more money you make.
So, you create a plan to get more traffic from search engines:
- Write a series of blog posts on a popular product that you know everyone is searching for.
- Optimize the posts with SEO plugins.
- Focus the content on the key points missing from the discussion.
You feel like you’re doing everything exactly as the experts and “gurus” recommend but still it seems much harder than it should be.
How to use Google Zeitgeist to automatically rank #1 online:
Since your niche site is about consumer electronics you read Google Zeitgeist and you notice the top trending topics for the year are:- iPad 3
- Samsung Galaxy S3
- iPad Mini
Here are some example titles that you write:
- Is an iPad 4 Cyber Monday launch being planned for 2013?
- 3 reasons why Apple should offer a trade in program for iPad 4 buyers.
- How the iPad 4 creates major opportunities and problems for accessory makers.
- Who makes it back to Black Friday 2013 – Best Buy, the iPad 4, or neither?
- etc.
THIS IS THE KEY.While other posts discuss boring product specs, features, and benefits you make eyebrow raising comparisons using Google Zeitgeist and inject emotion that instigates interactivity. When you realize WHERE and WHAT has been covered you write about HOW and WHY. You write posts that people will share and actually want to read.
Blogging pros have been writing for years about how long tail keywords are much easier to rank for than shorter keyword phrases. Ranking #1 on Google for “iPad 3″ would cost millions of dollars but you could rank #1 for “iPad 3 productivity hacks for entrepreneurs” without spending a dime.
The moral of the story.
Google Zeitgeist could be your secret weapon if you use it right. Now it’s time to conduct some tests of your own so you can prove my theory. Remember, work WITH the search engines not FOR or AGAINST them. Understand Google’s core objective which is to simply display the most relevant content for whatever their users search. Google knows if they display low quality content and people don’t find what they need they’ll just switch to Yahoo or nah, nobody uses BING, but you get my point, they’ll find somewhere else to search the web maybe StartPage or DuckDuckGo?They key is to create content that you know search engines will be looking for using reports like Google Zeitgeist and techniques like forecasting and front running. For best results add common sense to fill in the blanks on the hottest keywords and before you know it you’ll be sitting on top ranked #1.
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