domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2012

Ground Beef Burrito

Cooking for 12 is a big jump from cooking for 2.   Besides making sure that there would be an adequate amount of cutlery available for everyone, dinner should also be carefully planned.  Either you end up making too much food, or not enough.  Then all you can do is order Chinese take-out.  Or pizza.
Unless, you’ve rented some dancing monkeys for the night to keep your guests entertained, and make them forget their empty stomachs.
Which I doubt you’ve done.  But if you have, please send me the company’s number as I like monkeys.  Ones that won’t rip off my face or my hair out of my skull, of course.
Cooking for a dozen is a bit tricky.  But I love to host dinner parties and I like to feed people.  Whether they like it or not.  Kidding.  Heh.
Anyway, where was I.   Although it may seem to be a daunting task to feed heaps of people, you can do it with a little bit of:
Preparation – make food that can be put together the night before, then just whip them out and cook  ‘em the next day.
Motivation – mine is,  If prison guards can do it, the heck, I can too! 
I know, there must be 20 to 30 cooks over there.  But hey, this is MY motivation, so get your own.
For tonight’s menu,  one of the recipes I went with was Beef and Bean Burritos.  Because they’re easy to throw together, and I can freeze them for up to roughly 2 weeks – the longest I’ve left them in there before cooking, and still live to tell the tale.   Also,  I have a can of  Chipotle Peppers I’ve been ardently waiting to make use of.  Chipotle Peppers in Adobo Sauce with a smoky & spicy flavor that goes so well with meat.   And it warrants a statement that  proves  my incredible  grasp of the English Language — Me likey!

Main Ingredients:

  • 12 Wraps
  • Cooking Oil
  • 500g Ground Beef
  • 1 medium-sized Onion, chopped
  • 1 TBSP. Chipotle in Adobo Sauce
  • 1 TSP. Hot Sauce
  • 1 can (420g) Chilli Beans
  • 1 can (400g) Tomatoes
  • 2 cans (440g) Refried Beans
  • 2 cups Cheddar Cheese, grated
  • 1 TSP. Cumin, ground
  • 1 TSP. Oregano, ground
  • 1 TSP. Paprika, ground
  • Salt & Pepper

  • Toppings:

  • 1 can (400g) Tomatoes
  • 1 cup Cheddar Cheese

  • ——————————————————————————————————————————————–


    Grab a pan, heat some cooking oil in it, dump in the ground beef and cook until brown.   Don’t forget to make cutting motions with the spatula so you don’t end up with meatballs, or worse, a giant hamburger.  Nothing wrong with that, the idea has its appeal, actually.  But we are making burritos right now.

    When the meat is sufficiently brown, push to the side and cook the onions until translucent.

    Then comes the Chipotle Peppers.  Hooray!
    Slice in the middle and take out the seeds.  Then chop into tiny pieces.

    Spoon it into the pan.
    (Uh, yeah. The one in the photo resembles an ice-cube.  But you can scroll down to the Quick Notearea for the reason)

    A dash of hot sauce will make it better-er.

    And then season with oregano, cumin, paprika, salt & pepper, according to taste.
    Or if you have taco seasoning, you can use that instead.

    Mix well, baby.  Ah, the kitchen smells wonderful.  I like it.

    Where’s my can opener???  I swear, one day I will re-organize the stuff in the drawers!
    Add the chilli beans with the beef.  I bought the salsa flavored ones and it’s got corn and bell peppers included.  If your can of beans is pretty standard, feel free to dump in 1/4 cup each of (cooked)corn kernels & bell pepper(diced) in the mix.

    Then pour in the tomatoes.

    Simmer for another 5 minutes, turn off the stove, and set aside.

    In another pan, heat the refried beans on medium-high temperature until soft.

    Combine cheese with refried beans.  Mix thoroughly until the cheese melts in .

    Like so.  Then, turn off the heat and prepare the wraps.

    Nuke the wraps for 30 seconds each so they don’t break when you fold them.
    Then layer the refried beans mixture and the ground beef stuff on it.

    Fold the wrap – top, bottom, then left over right.  Folded side facing down.  Or just roll it however you want.

    At this point, you can enclose the wraps in foil and place them in your freezer.  To be taken out when needed.  Don’t forget to defrost in the fridge before cooking or your burritos will end up with cooked outsides, and cold insides.

    Or… you can ditch that idea and go straight to cooking the burritos.
    If not fussy, place the wraps on a plate, drizzle with tomatoes on top.  Then sprinkle on some grated cheddar.  Nuke in the microwave for 2 to 3 minutes.  Eat.
    But if you can be bothered, do the same procedure but plunk down the burritos onto a lightly-greased baking pan instead.

    Bake on fan-forced setting in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for around 5 to 10 minutes.  Or until the cheese topping melts.

    Plop on a plate and if you have some fresh coriander leaves on hand, tear them into pieces and scatter all over.  I prefer basil over coriander though, so I use that instead.
    Then go ahead, serve to the inmates on death row.
    I mean, your friends.  My friends, our friends.  You know what, I’ll stop talking.

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