quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2012

The Real Reason To Eat Eggs In The Morning

cracking eggs
Eggs have long been considered a staple breakfast food. Packed with choline, protein, and the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, eggs are loaded with health benefits. Although scientists have already identified individual nutrients in eggs, they have just recently discovered why eggs are the perfect morning food. New evidence shows how eggs keep you awake by jumpstarting your brain at the cellular level.

According to a new study published in the journal Neuron, amino acids play a key role in helping us wake up. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Researchers found that when subjects consumed foods with amino acids, their orexin/hypocretin neurons were stimulated and activated. These neurons are critical regulators of wakefulness and energy balance in the body. Previous studies only concluded that glucose in the blood inhibited orexin/hypocretin neuron activation. That’s why you feel sleepy after eating a sugary treat in the afternoon. This new study found that by adding amino acids to meals that raise blood glucose levels, the orexin/hypocretin neurons were still activated. In common terms, all this means is that adding protein to a carb heavy meal will keep you alert while a carb heavy meal without protein will make you sleepy.
Morning caffeine and carb addicts take note – you don’t have to grab a scone and a coffee every morning on your way to work to feel awake by the time you get there. Skip the trip to the coffeeshop and take a few extra minutes in the morning to cook an egg or two.

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