terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012



Dr. Oz Energy Boosters; Is your body running on empty, then you need Dr. Oz’s Jumpstart Hour. How to supercharge our health instantly for a younger, faster, thinner you!
Dr. Oz Jumpstart Hour
3 Morning Fat Busters to lose an additional 2-4 pounds, 5 minute energy boosters, reboot your recipes, cure your exhaustion. How we can boost our energy and burn more fat! Little effort, big results — solutions for your biggest complaints. Guests today on Dr Oz are Tim Ferris, Jorge Cruise, Dr. Laura Berman, Chef Art Smith – Dr. Oz’s jumpstart hour!
Dr. Oz asks us if we are exhausted, run down and worn out with absolutely no energy? Well by the end of his show today Oz says we will have more energy, less stress and elevate our mood. First we start off with Tim Ferriss’ Jumpstart: Tim Ferriss is a human guinea pig and he knows the ways to Supercharge and Reshape our Body.Lose 20 Pounds In 30 Days Tim Ferriss Diet Plan

Tim Ferriss 4 – Hour Body

Tim has new rules to supercharge your body instantly, rev up your inner engine overhauling what we complain about the most. He has changed his body and says he can show us how to do the same thing! Tim Ferriss helps out 3 ladies today- Latoya who wants to lose the last ten pounds, she got the 5-minute deep freeze to supercharge her metabolism with a 3-5 minute cold shower in the morning. Next was Alic who wanted her mood supercharged, her mood will be supercharged with the Kimchi Kickstart. Carmen has problems sleeping, Tim Ferriss is going to supercharge her sleep with the butter before bedtime rule. Just eat 2 tablespoons of raw almond butter before bed.
1. Tim Ferris Supercharge Your Metabolism: 5-Minute Deep Freeze
By taking a cold shower anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes, you can jumpstart your metabolism. That’s because cold temperature activates brown fatthe fat-burning fat tissue in your body that burns energy to keep you warm. When taking a cold shower, you may experience some shivering, which indicates that you’re using energy to keep your body temperature up.
Try taking a quick shower in the morning or night. Start with 2 minutes of warm water to get your body temperature up, then switch to cold and work toward keeping the water temperature under 60 degrees. Over time, your body will become less sensitive to this drop in temperature.
2. Tim Ferriss Supercharge Your Mood: Kimchi Kick-start
Millions of people take prescription SSRI antidepressants to keep levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin high so they can maintain a good mood. However, most people don’t realize that more than 90% of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut, which is why scientists often refer to it as the “second brain.”
Science has suggested that if you eat fermented food regularly, such as kimchi (Korean pickled cabbage), its healthy, probiotic bacteria will help the serotonin in your gut move to your brain. Eat 4-5 tablespoons of “kimchi” or any lacto-fermented food such as sauerkraut or plain yogurt daily to chase the blues away.
3. Tim Ferriss Supercharge Your Sleep: Butter Before Bedtime
Do you turn in early yet still toss and turn all night – and then wake up tired? Tim Ferriss believes that one of the biggest culprits for walking up during the night is low blood sugar. To prevent this, eat 2 tablespoons of raw almond butter before bed. This low-glycemic index food can prevent blood sugar spikes so you can sleep better. In fact, according to Ferriss, correcting your blood sugar level can actually make you feel as if you’re doubling up on the sleep you’re actually getting – 4 hours can feel like 8, 6 like 12, etc. Remember that the recommended amount of sleep for adults is 7-8 hours.
Tim Ferriss Sleep Power Position
Tim Ferriss Sleep Power Position
The position you sleep in can greatly improve the quality of your rest. The Sleep Power Position; Tim Ferriss recommends lying on your chest with your head on a pillow, turned to the right. Place both arms straight by your sides, palms up. Then bring your right arm up until the top of your right elbow is bent 90 degrees and your hand is close to your head. Then bring your right knee out to the side until it is bent at approximately 90 degrees.
By keeping both your arm and leg at 90 degrees you’ll distribute your weight more evenly so that you’re not putting any pressure on your shoulder or on your hip. This position mimics a swaddled baby, which means you’ll move and fidget less and enjoy a deeper, uninterrupted sleep.

Dr. Oz Tim Ferriss 3 Things You Must Do In The Morning

Reshape Your Body: Tim Ferriss 3 Things You Must Do Within 30 Minutes of Waking Up. Coffee the way you love it with an all fat cream, the cinnamon switch, and Tim Ferriss’s 30/30 Rule.
Tim Ferriss’ 30/30 rule – consuming 30 grams of protein within the first 30 minutes of waking up in the morning – has already helped transform women’s bodies across the country. Now, he has 3 new rules to help you reshape your body by barely doing anything at all. However, you must also do these within 30 minutes of waking up.
1. Use an All-Fat Creamer in Your CoffeeMillions of women think they’re doing the right thing by using skim milk or fat-free creamer in their coffee, but these dairy products can actually cause weight gain by spiking insulin. Go for full-fat cream instead since dairy fat contains CLA-conjugated linoleic acid, which has been linked to a decrease in stored body fat.
Tim Ferriss has seen women lose 2-4 pounds a week by making this small change, which also helps prevent afternoon energy dips. Put 2 tablespoons of all-fat cream in your coffee and you’ll actually lower your chance of gaining weight over the course of the year.
2. Drink a Fat-flushing Tea: Yerba MatePopular in South America, yerba mate tea is chockfull of antioxidants and vitamins, and acts through 2 mechanisms to help you lose fat. The first speeds your digestion for the entire day – drink Yerba mate in the morning instead of coffee. Second, it actually reduces fat absorption by decreasing the pancreatic lipase enzyme. Additionally, yerba mate does not produce the caffeine-related crashes that some people experience with coffee and can give you 3-4 hours of very stable, clean energy and chock full of vitamins. You can buy Yerba Mate Tea online $5.
3. Cassia Cinnamon CheatCinnamon helps keep blood sugars in check, which helps control weight gain. Both Cassia and Ceylon cinnamon help regulate glucose levels, but some studies show that Cassia does it better.
To determine the difference between these types of cinnamon, Ceylon sticks roll up from both sides like a scroll. Cassia looks more like bark and will often roll up from one side like a cigar. Use Cassia cinnamon in your coffee or even sprinkle it on a bowl of oatmeal or cottage cheese. Cassia cinnamon, it turns out, is the type you find in most coffee shops. Look for it at grocery stores for about $5. If unavailable, look for it at specialty food stores.

Dr. Oz Veggie Egg White Frittata

You Can get you the body you’ve always dreamed about in just 4 hours a week. A key strategy is to eat 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up. Eating high-protein foods stimulates the production of fat-burning hormones. Ferriss believes starting your day with this type of meal will jumpstart your weight loss. This is the perfect protein-packed breakfast to start your day.

Tim Ferris Veggie Egg White Frittata Recipe

2 tsp olive oil
1/2 cup blanched asparagus, cut into ½ inch pieces
1/2 cup blanched zucchini, diced
1/2 red pepper, diced
1/2 yellow pepper, diced
3/4 cup egg whites
1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
1/4 tsp sea salt
2 tbsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp sliced scallions
Preheat broiler. Warm the olive oil in a medium size oven proof pan, add the asparagus, zucchini, red and yellow peppers and cook stirring, for about 2 minutes. Whisk together the egg whites, pepper and salt and pour over the vegetables and cook gently until the egg whites are set.
Transfer pan to broiler and broil until the top is nicely browned. Sprinkle with parsley and scallions before serving.
The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman -

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