domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2012

God Film_Take a Movie Walk on the Camino de Santiago

The Way The Movie is one that I had wanted to see from the minute I saw the first trailer clips. It appealed not only to the grief educator in me, but also to the walker and the adventurer.

The Way is about an American doctor Tom, played by Martin Sheen, who must deal with the death of his only son, Daniel, played in flashbacks by Sheen's son Emilio Estevez. (Estevez also served as the writer and director of the movie.) Tom (Sheen) comes to deal with the death by walking the Camino de Santiago, the Way of St. James, a trip his son had encouraged him to take time to do originally.

Ironically, the grieving father does get to take the trip on the Camino with his son as he decides to complete the trip his son had planned, but carrying the son's cremated ashes in a box in his backpack. Along the way the father discovers the meaning in the words his son told him, "You don't choose a life, Dad. You live one."

For many walking the Camino is a religious experience, and the film has been playing well with religious groups, but the film is also about the spiritual journey that Tom and his companions take in finding themselves along "The Way." Estevez has indicated in interviews that the movie is a spiritual film and not a religious one. Ann Hornaday of the Washington Post writes that "[The Way's] rewards are as rich for the secular as for the more spiritually inclined."

Viewers will discover their own meaning in the journey, although the newly bereaved may want to be aware that it may be an especially moving film for them. It is a powerful film for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one. Be prepared to laugh and to cry.

Estevez has created a film that can be shared by families. He reported to that
"Kids are posting on Facebook saying, "I've never heard of this before. Thank you for making the film. I'm going to Santiago. I'm taking my parents to the movie. I finally found a movie that I can take my parents to that is not vulgar, that's not so CGI-driven or about outer space, that they can relate to.'" The Way was a movie that I shared with my kids and is one that is proving popular with families.

The film's success has been mainly by word of mouth, by tweets and Facebook posts and by their 50 day bus tour to promote the Film that took them across the United States. The Way has been dubbed one of the Outstanding Independent Films of 2011 by IFC As of February 2012, The Way has grossed $4,405,147.

For the fun of it I created several traffic signs with the different slogans from the Way to use as graphics for this lens.

In addition, the research and information that I discovered in my own quest to find out more about the Camino, a Camino Documentary (still in the making) and walking the Camino has been included, in case you too are moved to begin your own pilgrimage on The Way.

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