quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2012

Tim Ferriss on Dr Oz – Jumpstart your body (videos)

  1. Losing the last 5 – 20 pounds of fat by supercharging your metabolism
  2. Supercharging your mood
  3. Fixing sleeping issues to feel great
  4. Reshaping your body – the 3 things to do within 30 minutes of waking

1. Losing the last 5 – 20 pounds of fat

  • Cold shower for 5-30 minutes, focusing on the upper back area
  • This helps the body engage ‘brown fat’ which burns the fat you want to lose (brown fat uses energy to create for the body and is found mostly around the neck/upper back region)
  • Water must be under 60 degrees (F)

2. Supercharging your mood

  • Enjoy some kimchi (kim chi), which is Korean pickled cabbage every day
  • Can use any other lacto-fermented food like plain yogurt or sauerkraut
  • 90% of serotonin is in the gut
  • Probiotic bacteria helps serotonin move to the brain

3. Fixing sleeping issues to feel great

  • Eat 2 tablespoons raw almond butter before bed
  • Low GI almond butter helps balance blood sugar overnight
  • Can make 6 hours sleep feel like much more
  • Use sleep ‘power position’ – lie face down, left arm down by side, left leg straight, bend right hip out at 90 degrees from body, bend right knee 90 degrees, position right arm at 90 degrees to body, set elbow at 90 degrees.

4. 3 things to do within 30 minutes of waking up

  • Only ever use all-fat creamer in your hot drinks – 2 tablespoons
  • No skim/whole milk – spikes insulin and leaves the door open for fat gain through the day
  • Drink yerba mate tea every morning instead of coffee
  • Speeds digestion all day
  • Yerba mate reduces fat absorption (decreases pancreatic lipase enzyme)
  • More stable energy than coffee
  • Use cinnamon in your hot drink – 1 teaspoon
  • Helps control blood sugar levels – like insulin insurance
  • Use cassia cinnamon if you can get it – looks like bark
  • Ceylon cinnamon ok too, but not as good
  • Sprinkle in hot drink, or on cottage cheese
So there you have it! The summary of the tips Tim provided Dr Oz and his audience for really kickstarting and supercharging your body.
Many of these will be familiar to readers of his book, however the recommendation for Yerba Mate is a new addition, and the suggestion of cinnamon every day is also new. Recommending kim chi for mood is a great addition, as this was recommend primarily for gut health previously.
What do you think? Will these ideas change your routine??
If you’d like to check out his videos, here they are:

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