domingo, 1 de janeiro de 2012

Top 10 Videos of 2011: Hitchens, Dawkins, Jobs, Moore and More

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Bank of America
Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011)—
A Tribute   

The community celebrates the life of one of our favorite speakers: the great iconoclast Christopher Hitchens.

WikiLeaks: Why It Matters, Why
It Doesn't?

An expert panel discusses the right of government to keep secrets vs. the right of citizens to know the truth.  

Venture Capitalist Roger McNamee: 'Google Is Done'   

Google has become too successful and its product is now polluted.

Robert Sapolsky: Are Humans Just Another Primate?   

A professor of biology and neurology at Stanford University identifies what's truly novel about humanity.

Steven Pinker: Language as a Window into Human Nature   

This fascinating animated lecture shows how we use passive language to gain trust.

Slavoj Zizek: Catastrophic But
Not Serious   

Our modern, 21st century world is faced with a number of threats. Why don't we take them seriously?

The World Would Be Better Off
Without Religion   

In this highly charged debate, humanist and theology scholars argue whether or not religion helps or hinders the progress of humanity.

Bank of America
Richard Dawkins: There Never Was a First Homo Sapiens   

The missing link in human evolution: Can we really tell the exact moment when one species evolves into another? 

Michael Moore: Here Comes Trouble   

The controversial filmmaker discusses the student loan crisis, the failing GOP and Obama's disillusioned progressive supporters. 

"Nice" Is Not an Adjective to Describe Steve Jobs   

Jobs lived as if the normal rules didn't apply to him, says Walter Isaacson, the biographer of Apple's cofounder.

Each December, we sit down, look back and pick the year's top videos. We choose 10 videos for the homepage, and 10 videos for each topic page: Business, EnvironmentPoliticsTechnologyScience, and Culture. We select videos using measures both objective and subjective: view counts, embeds, shares, interactions and comments on our site, on Facebook, Twitter, Hulu, Boxee, YouTube, and all the places that smart people go to discuss and share comments about
Today, we unveil our Top 10 Videos for 2011. Leave us a comment or visit our Facebook pages to let us know what you think of our choices. We hope you enjoy the series!
We're always interested in learning how we can make our content better and our site more interesting.
So, please keep the comments coming via

Stay tuned to the blog for more info, and visit us on Facebook and Twitter for news and updates on the latest videos from

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