domingo, 5 de fevereiro de 2012

3 Big "fat" LIES about fat

I just read this article from famous nutrition author , Jon Benson.  I still can't believe in this day and age how many people out there are confused about dietary fat (especially saturated fat).  Jon sets the record straight with this great article:

3 Big "fat" LIES about fat
by Jon Benson
author - EveryOtherDayDiet

Let me ask you a question:

If saturated fat causes heart disease,
don't you think that cultures that got...
oh, say... 60-70% of their calories from
saturated fat would be dropping dead?

I mean, wouldn't it stand to reason that
the vast majority would suffer clogged
arteries, massive heart attacks, strokes...


Sure. That would be the only logical
conclusion... IF saturated fat caused
heart disease.

Fortunately for you and me, it doesn't.

In fact, the cultures that eat the MOST
saturated fat (the Inuit, the Masai, the
Rendille, and others) have the LOWEST
incidence of heart disease.

The Masai do not even have a term for
it in their native language, and they
consume over 65% of their calories
from pure saturated fat.

Say whaaaat?

Listen:  The "lower your fat" mantra has
just been a matter of convenience (and
profit) for the powers that be.

The grain industry has profited like a big
dog from the USRDA's ridiculous "food
pyramid" -- and "MyPlate" is not much
better, trust me.

The truth is you should lower your CARBS,
especially refined carbs, wheat, and corn...
and, yes, "healthy grains."

You don't need 'em -- at least you don't need
60-freaking-percent of your calories coming
from them, as the government suggests.

What you need is a healthy BALANCE.

Okay, here's the 3 big "fat" lies:

Lie # 1. "Fat causes heart disease."
If logic isn't enough, how about science?
Volek et al demonstrated how a LOW-fat
dietplan increased harmful fats in the
blood 300% more than a high, saturated
fat dietplan.

High-fat dietplans have consistently out-
performed low-fat dietplans when it comes
to increasing LDL particle size.

The size of your LDL is the key, not the
quantity of your LDL... and this is the one
thing everyone agrees causes plaque to
build in your arteries: Small-particle LDL.

If there is "a" cause of heart disease, it's
glycation. This is where a protein molecule
bonds to a glucose molecule and becomes
something akin to Frankenstein.

Glycated molecules are behind the nasty
accumulation of plaque... and guess what?
Sugar (carbs) is the catalyst for glycation,
NOT fat.

Lie #2. "Fat makes you fat."
This has been refuted in over 200 studies
that I could find at a 'glance', let alone in
real life. My dietary fat intake is well over
30%, and has been as high as 65% while
maintaining single-digit bodyfat.

Caution: With high fat dietplans, you must
lower your carbs to under 50-70 grams a day.

Lie #3. "Low-fat products are better for you."
90% of the time, this is blatantly false. Most
"low-fat" products that are, by nature, high
in fat, have added sugar -- and sugar is
the devil when it comes to health and bodyfat.

Now, naturally low-fat foods, like veggies
and so forth, are, of course, highly recommended
along with foods with naturally occurring fats.

Check this out here to see more LIES you've
been told about your food

Here's to a prosperous and healthy 2012!

-Jon Dana Benson


Thanks Jon.  Great article!

FYI - Jon's beginner plans (the Primer and the Lifestyle Plans) are relatively carb-friendly, but both he and I suggest that you ween yourself from those plans within six to eight weeks and give the Ultimate Plan a shot. 

This plan emphasizes organic foods, grass-fed protein sources (if possible), and lower carbs... and yes, you still get to eat your favorite foods during the week using Jon's "Carb Interval" approach to dietplans.  

This is the best of both worlds. You get plenty of carbos to workout from the sources you enjoy the most, while limiting the radical quantity of unhealthy carb sources (grains, processed foods, etc.) most days of the week.

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