domingo, 1 de julho de 2012

Bacon Sarnie

Bacon sarnies
You can’t beat a good bacon sarnie. This is my favourite way to make one and if you stick to this method you won’t go wrong. As there are so few components to this, the secret really lies in getting the best bacon you can afford – the better the bacon the better your sarnie is going to taste.
serves 2


  • • 8 rashers of streaky bacon* (smoked or unsmoked), the best quality you can afford
  • • 4 slices of freshly-cut bread
  • • butter, at room temperature
  • • optional: tomato ketchup or HP sauce

To cook your bacon

• Get yourself a frying pan big enough to hold all of the rashers in one layer and lay the bacon in it
• Place the pan on a medium heat
• As the pan heats up, some of the fat will melt out of the bacon and it will start to sizzle

To cook your bacon

• Fry the bacon, turning every couple of minutes with tongs, until it’s cooked through and as crispy as you like it – this will take around 5 minutes
• Turn the heat off and use tongs to transfer the bacon to a plate lined with kitchen paper

To make your sarnies

• Lay your slices of bread on a chopping board and spread lightly with butter
• Divide the bacon between two of the pieces of buttered bread
• Add ketchup, HP sauce, or both (if using), then top with the remaining slices of bread, butter-side down

To make your sarnies

• Press down on the sarnies with your hands to stick them together
• Cut in half and serve on a plate

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