domingo, 1 de julho de 2012

Tomato and basil omelette

Tomato and basil omelette
Tomato and basil are best friends. Adding them to your simple omelette will make a lovely colourful dish. Just make sure you get lovely ripe tomatoes and you’ll be laughing. Perfect for a snack or light lunch.
serves 1


  • • 2 large eggs, preferably free-range or organic
  • • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • • 2-3 sprigs of fresh basil
  • • a handful of cherry tomatoes
  • • a small knob of butter
  • • olive oil
  • • optional: a small handful of grated Cheddar cheese

To make and serve your omelette

• Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl
• Add a pinch of salt and pepper
• Beat well with a fork

To make and serve your omelette

• Pick the leaves off the sprigs of basil and roughly tear them, discard the stalks
• Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add to a small frying pan on a high heat with a small knob of butter, a drizzle of olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper
• Fry and toss around for about 1 minute, then turn the heat down to medium

To make and serve your omelette

• Add your eggs and move the pan around to spread them out evenly
• When the omelette begins to cook and firm up, but still has a little raw egg on top, sprinkle over the basil leaves and Cheddar, if using (I sometimes grate mine directly on to the omelette)
• Ease around the edge of the omelette using a spatula

To make and serve your omelette

    • When it starts to turn golden brown underneath, remove the pan from the heat and slide the omelette on to a plate

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