domingo, 1 de julho de 2012


Frozen fruit smoothies
Smoothies are not only deliciously tasty but they’re also the perfect way to get loads of goodness into you. They’re good at any time of the day, but I love them for breakfast and adding oats and nuts to them is great because it helps slow down the absorption of the sugar from the fruit into your bloodstream, which gives you more energy for longer.
makes 2 glasses


  • • 1 ripe banana
  • • 1 glass of frozen fruit of your choice: mango, blackcurrants or strawberries
  • • 2 heaped tablespoons natural yoghurt or low-fat Greek yoghurt
  • • 1 small handful of mixed unsalted nuts
  • • 1 small handful of oats
  • • 1 glass of soy milk, skimmed milk or apple juice
  • • optional: honey, to taste

To make your smoothie

• Peel and slice your banana

To make your smoothie

• Put it into a liquidizer with your frozen fruit and the yoghurt

To make your smoothie

• Whiz it up and add the nuts and oats
• Add the soy milk, skimmed milk or apple juice and whiz again, until nice and smooth
• If it’s a bit too thick for you, just add a splash more milk or juice and whiz around again

To make your smoothie

• Give it a good stir, then have a taste
• Rarely with a frozen fruit smoothie should you need to sweeten it, but if you think it needs a bit of extra sweetness you can add a little honey to taste – you won’t need much

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