sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

99 Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography

99 Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography

instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
instantShift - Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography

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  1. Very nice and inspiring list. It gave me few ideas to implement in Photoshop.
    Thanks for sharing this resource.
  2. thanks for the photos. Some of them are amazing.
  3. 99 Thank U’s Daniel for sharing! Excellent, indeed!
  4. Fantastic collection of shots. Really inspiring. Particularly loved the reflection of the building in the sky/ground
  5. Excellent stuff! Very inspirational! Great art!
  6. superb Excellent Examples …nice photography
  7. Pingback: Land-of-web » Weekend Reading №1 (11-3-2011)
  8. I like these kind of illustrations, vantage points. It makes me happy, when I saw.
  9. Pingback: 99 Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography | Design News
  10. Insane!!! i wonder how long some people hat to wait to make that 1 in a million shot like the bird under the airplane. These are the most incredible pictures i have ever seen!!! Good job!
  11. Absolutely incredible!! Some pictures are unreal, so amazing! On of the lasts ones, is the baby hanging on the wall?
  12. These are all pretty amazing! I love how deftly they were constructed, every single one of them were just so creatively structured, that it altered the norms of the elements.
  13. Thank you for sharing us the illustrations. I have really got an excellent point!
  14. Wow.. Cool collection…
    Thanks for sharing..
  15. Excellent stuff…….!!!
  16. Nice Collection.Thanks for sharing.
  17. Lol , some are really funny, thanks for sharing
  18. Soperb example of perspective photography …Very inspiring and useful resource to understand it better.
  19. thanks for the photos. Some of them are amazing.
  20. excellent photographs with inspiring ideas. thanks for sharing
  21. these of belong to photographer skills, amazing sharing. thanks
  22. Nice Collection, Thanks for shar
  23. great list. the one with the girl and the boy shadow is the best. great list
  24. Wow, amazing collection!
  25. Awesome set of collections! love the ballerina!
  26. Wow!
    very nice pictures……
  27. very nice photography….
    thanks for ideas……
  28. Really good.
  29. Great selection of photos. Thanks for the time spent colleting them.
  30. some of these photos are jut un-immaginable, these are amazing!
  31. very nice sir,
    a huge collection of best photography…
  32. Interesting pictures, but, by definition many are not “forced perspective”.
  33. Oh! It is an amazing and stunning collection of Forced Perspective Photography and Pictures. I have really impressed with these photographs. Thanks for sharing this post.
  34. Wonderful pictures…I look at them from half hour and I can’t say which is the best.Beautiful!
  35. Great, these are the best photos I’ve ever seen.
  36. I really on your collections..No words can explain this great stuff…
  37. Fuel for Creativity. Very inspiring, I want to go out and experiment now! Great site, Great collection.
  38. This camera shots show how photography is such a great medium in art. Fantastic!
  39. I love these. I think I’m going to try something like this!
  40. wooow….. great perspective photos…
  41. No NOT Photoshop (unless one slipped in). Most of these are possible with PS.
  42. Oops, I meant “possible WITHOUT PS”.

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