domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

steak with some pico de gallo, and fresh guacamole

The steak it self only takes a few minutes to cook. I heated up some oil in a cast iron skillet, turned up the heat, and once the pan was ready, I seared the steak for about 1.5 minutes on the first side, and 2 minutes on the second side.
You don’t want to over cook this meat, otherwise it will be way too tough to eat. Even though it is a cheaper cut of meat, you want to treat it with the same respect you would treat a $20 piece of steak. Let it rest for a few minutes for the liquids in the steak to redistribute. Even if you had cooked it for the right amount of time, if you cut it into it too soon, the liquid will drain out, and you will be left with a dry steak.
After I removed the steak from the hot pan, I tossed in some sliced onions and de-seeded jalapeno peppers, since my boyfriend loves grilled veggies.
To go with the tacos, I made some pico de gallo, and fresh guacamole. For the guacamole, I used a Rick Bayless recipe composed of very fresh ingredients.
I love how colorful the vegetables are, and I noticed how the colors reflect the colors in the Mexican flag.

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