terça-feira, 17 de abril de 2012

Why this "healthy" lunch is a fat loss DISASTER‏

Today I'm back to tackle Bob's lunch, Part 3 of our running diet "critique" analyzing Bob's fat loss diet plan riddled with foods that are actually making him fatter...YIKES.

To recap, here's what Bob (a fellow newsletter reader) is eating on a typical day:

Breakfast: 2 cups of Raisin Bran Crunch with skim milk

Snack: Meal Replacement with all natural peanut butter

Lunch: Grilled chicken sandwich, baked potato

Snack: Mixed nuts and raisins

Dinner: Spaghetti with low fat tomato sauce

Now, we've already been over why Bob's morning Raisin Bran Crunch is a blood sugar and insulin nightmare, and some "caution" items in his mid-morning meal replacement, so today we'll pick things up with his lunch -- a grilled chicken sandwich with a baked potato.

While on the surface that may look "pretty healthy" compared to a Big Mac with fries, if your goal is to burn fat (which Bob's is), it's definitely what I would consider a fat-burning disaster.

Why? Well, let's take a look at the individual components of this meal.

First, when I dug a little deeper I discovered that Bob's grilled chicken sandwich is being served on regular ol' bun...white bread. Heavily processed wheat, and even wheat in general, is one of the worst things you can consume while trying to shed unwanted fat. As I mentioned in my previous newsletters, even the "brown" versions of bread (wheat, rye, etc) are generally heavily processed -- sneaky manufacturers just add food coloring to give them the "whole wheat" appearance so they LOOK healthier when indeed they're not.

My basic rule for fat loss is to avoid bread -- with the occassional exception of sprouted grain bread, like Ezekial bread, which contains no wheat...or a high-fiber, true 100% whole wheat bread. Even then, I'd limit those items to twice a week.

Then there is the baked potato. And while Bob does enjoy his baked potato on the conservative side (without all the sour cream, bacon, and cheddar), with just a bit of butter it still packs 300 calories and over 60 grams of high glycemic, insulin and blood sugar boosting carbs. Add that to the heavily processed bun and in just one meal Bob is eating nearly ONE HUNDRED grams of what are some of the WORST carbohydrates possible.

A much better lunch option would have been grilled chicken with a medium sweet potato and a heaping serving of green veggies. Now, that's not much different than his original grilled chicken sandwich and baked potato lunch, but it stands head and shoulders above it from a fat loss perspective.

I'll be back before you know it to tackle more of Bob's sample diet day...in the meantime, here are several other foods I'd be very wary of:

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